Meeting Nathaniel
Submitted by kim on Sat, 02/08/2014 - 07:02 in Adoption, Nathaniel's Story
On Being Chosen
Submitted by kim on Wed, 02/05/2014 - 20:39 in Adoption, Nathaniel's Story
The following was written the morning of July 3, 2013 - the day we met Nathaniel for the first time.
We are meeting Nathaniel today.
I am scared I won’t feel love towards him. And yet at the same time my heart beats so hard in anticipation of loving him that I think it might explode. I wake every morning wondering how he did through the night. I am scared that his medical stuff will scare me away. And yet at the same time every doctor’s note and diagnosis I read in his file gave peace rather than alarm.
Submitted by kim on Tue, 02/04/2014 - 09:48 in Adoption, Nathaniel's Story
Nathaniel Steven Rankin
Christmas Naan and Flexible Traditions
Submitted by kim on Wed, 12/25/2013 - 21:27 in Homemaking, Recipes
It seems we've always had to cope with our children being away from home on Christmas.
The Empty Christmas Nest
Submitted by kim on Sat, 12/07/2013 - 20:14 in Adoption, Homemaking
Rich spotted it first. An empty bird's nest nestled in the branches. We paused. Admired. Took a photo. Considered the tree. But moved on, leaving the nest for whoever claimed the tree.
But the image stuck with me all month. It was Advent to me.
"A little empty bed waiting for a baby," was the comment I posted on the photo when I uploaded it to Facebook. I regretted leaving the nest. I wished I had brought it home to symbolize the coming of Jesus, the one who fills empty places in managers and hearts.